Georgians For Constitutional Government

If you believe Americans should be governed within the limits of the U.S. Constitution this group is for you.

The national portion of our Federal government has exceeded its authority as provided for and limited by the U.S. Constitution as amended.  These unauthorized encroachments on our LIVES, LIBERTIES & PROPERTY should be reversed unless and until they are provided for by Constitutional Amendment.

Elected officials at all levels who do not support the rule of law, by the people and for the people with Constitutional protections for the enumerated rights of the States and Individuals must be replaced.

Georgians For Constitutional Government on Facebook          Email           Jimmy Norman (on Facebook)          Debate "Event" (on Facebook)


Protect the Constitution

Weekly lunch:

Join us for lunch on Tuesdays -- 12:00pm - 2:00pm
Stevi B's Pizza in Gainesville, Georgia
1500 Browns Bridge Road
Gainesville, Georgia

Look for us in the semi-private room in the back & on the left.

New informal agenda:

Noon - Socialize & introduce ourselves.

12:10 pm +/- Any Elected Officials &/or declared candidates will have a couple minutes + Q&A time to address the group

10+/- Minutes - discuss Local Government
10+/- Minutes - discuss State Government
10+/- Minutes - discuss National Government
10+/- Minutes - discuss Georgians For Constitutional Government

Then Fellowship until 2:00 PM or later.

This is a good casual opportunity for someone new to politics to learn a little and consider becoming more involved. If you have questions about politics &/or government, we'll do our best to answer them. Newcomers and visitors always welcome.

If you believe the Constitution deserves respect and want to be a part of the movement to restore America to its foundational principles, please join us this Tuesday. If you haven't got a clue but want to learn, we'd love to have you join us too.



Jimmy Norman, Executive Director

Georgians For Constitutional Government